Breaking Barriers to Freedom

On a New Track Graduate and Program Consultant Anthony McDuffie Jr. Empowers Women through His Poetry Presentation at Chowchilla Women's Prison

Anthony McDuffie Jr.'s story mirrors the mythical rise of the phoenix from the ashes as he embarks on a journey towards freedom after being incarcerated. Like the fiery bird, Anthony faced challenges and endured a dark period during his time in prison. However, he underwent a transformative process, emerging from the experience with newfound strength and resilience, similar to the phoenix's rebirth from its own ashes. Anthony's narrative represents the profound potential for rebirth and serves as a guiding light for those yearning for liberation, much like the phoenix's ability to inspire and captivate through its majestic renewal.

In a remarkable display of resilience and restoration, Anthony paid a visit in October 2023 to Chowchilla Women's Prison that left a lasting impression on both him and the women incarcerated at the facility. Prior to his visit, by coincidence, or perhaps a divine alignment, Anthony found himself in a situation where his barber was also a former incarcerated person and now a parolee from CIW Women’s Prison. Little did he know that this simple act would forge a powerful bond and provide him with an opportunity to speak at the prison and share a message of hope and motivation. The audience resonated deeply with his words, describing them as profound poetry that touched their hearts.

Eager to spread inspiration beyond his spoken words, Anthony distributed books until there were none left. It was within these shared literary works that the women at Chowchilla Women’s Prison could find solace, knowledge, and even the motivation to write their own stories. One of the women at the prison excitedly said to Anthony: "You gave me motivation to write a book too." Another woman stated: “Coming from our shared background and environment, we are extremely proud of you because you are young, and it is not an ordinary thing to come back and accomplish what you have.” 

Beyond the individual connections made during this visit, there was also a collective transformation taking place within Chowchilla Women’s Prison . Anthony's presence gave hope not only to individual women but also fostered unity among all.

“I remember being inside prison - so I made no difference between staff and the incarcerated population. I made it a point to shake hands and exchange information with everyone”

- Anthony McDuffie Jr. 

While some were reveling in Anthony’s words, others found themselves pondering their futures. One woman bravely asked about her own transition after serving an extended sentence spanning nearly 27 years. She sought guidance on how to reintegrate back into society successfully. Anthony shared advice culled from his own experience—therapy, walks along the beach, exercise, and cultivating positive self-talk were just some of the strategies he suggested.

A profound moment occurred when a 62-year-old woman reflected on her black ancestry and history while reflecting on her newfound pride as an aspiring author—an accomplishment that validated her transformation as a changed person reclaiming her narrative through writing poetry. Deeply moved by Anthony's testimonial regarding his personal connection with incarceration, she remarked: "I loved the poetry - it was profound and deep."

Anthony's testimony further emphasizes his deep understanding and connection with the incarcerated population: "I was directly impacted by incarceration, so I knew exactly how these women felt and put myself in their position." He debunked misconceptions surrounding incarcerated women, stating: "When free individuals enter, there is an underlying perception that the incarcerated population believes they cannot engage. Considering everything, I debunked the misconception that the women are untrustworthy, dangerous, and so on. I approached the situation with an open mind and open heart, simply being in the presence of cool, open, and upfront individuals. It was gratifying to see their smiles, and to let them know that they too can experience freedom and success, just like me."

This visit proved transformative for both sides—the incarcerated population saw firsthand what is possible beyond their current circumstances while Anthony further strengthened his conviction in advocating for reformative justice and providing opportunities for second chances.

Anthony's journey to Chowchilla Women’s Prison underscores that no matter our backgrounds or past errors, there is solace in sharing our stories with others. The incarcerated women were profoundly affected by Anthony's words and presence, finding hope and motivation within their own lives. Like a phoenix emerging from the ashes, he returned to the confines of the prison walls to preach about the liberation awaiting on the other side.

Are you feeling inspired? Take the next step  by purchasing Anthony's book, "Grit, Grind and Glory on Amazon (print) or Audible (audiobook.) This autobiography not only shares his personal story of overcoming obstacles but also serves as a source of inspiration for those seeking atonement. Visit here to buy "Grit, Grind and Glory" and be a part of this inspiring journey. 

Join us in breaking the cycle of mass incarceration and making a difference in the lives of those seeking a second chance. Your donation can provide resources, support, and opportunities for individuals striving to transform their lives, just like our On a New Track graduate and program consultant Anthony McDuffie Jr. Your contribution is a part of an inspiring journey towards healing and justice, helping to break the cycle of mass incarceration. Let's stand together and create lasting change.

Rev. Dr. Dortheá Enriqúe

Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique is the Communications Coordinator at Give a Beat, with a mission to promote healing and transformation through music. With a background as a spiritual musician and holistic therapist, she believes in the power of music to bring people together and facilitate healing. Through her role at Give a Beat, Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique shares impactful stories from program participants and advocates for forgiveness and second chances. Her work at Give a Beat is a reflection of her commitment to using music as a tool for positive change and promoting the organization’s mission of transformation through music.

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