Giving Youth A Chance to Shine in Music Production and DJing

A music workshop mentor (young Black man dressed in black wearing white rimmed glasses) sits with a student (Hispanic boy in red hoodie and reddish-brown hair) and teaches music making at a table with a laptop and digital music making equipment.

Teaching Artist Malachi and student learning music production at Roosevelt Park

With the aim of uplifting youth, our program offers opportunities for creative expression and identity-building through digital music production and DJing. Through our workshops, we hope to instill confidence and belonging in young people, enabling them to face the challenges ahead with resilience and strength.

As one of our student's post-workshop reports highlights:

"It's so good to be able to play and be free to make mistakes without being judged. Sometimes, that's the only way to learn."

These words truly reflect the core values of our program.

Creating safe spaces for youth to explore their music talents, our DJing and music production sessions are led by experienced mentors like Malachi, who teach our students the fundamentals of creating beats and producing excellent music.

Our focus on music and the arts as preventive tools has enabled us to work with over 2,000 resilient young people, providing them with the opportunity to pursue their passion for music and at the same time, get empowered with skills that will continue to nurture their creativity.

At Give a Beat, we're dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the young people we serve. We believe that they deserve the chance to express themselves and discover their talents without inhibition, and our Youth Music Production & DJ Program serves as an avenue through which they can do just that.

Curious about our Youth Music Production & DJ Program?

Rev. Dr. Dortheá Enriqúe

Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique is the Communications Coordinator at Give a Beat, with a mission to promote healing and transformation through music. With a background as a spiritual musician and holistic therapist, she believes in the power of music to bring people together and facilitate healing. Through her role at Give a Beat, Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique shares impactful stories from program participants and advocates for forgiveness and second chances. Her work at Give a Beat is a reflection of her commitment to using music as a tool for positive change and promoting the organization’s mission of transformation through music.

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