On a New Track: Empowering Lives through Give a Beat's Fair Chance Campaign

In the realm of fair chances and opportunities for rehabilitation, our “I Give a Beat for Fair Chances” campaign stands out as a beacon of hope and transformation. Our goal is to raise awareness and support highlighting the importance of providing opportunities for individuals seeking to rebuild their lives after incarceration. The campaign not only focuses on advocating for individuals to have the tools they need for successful reentry into society but also emphasizes the importance of erasing barriers that often hinder progress post-parole.

Geri, an On a New Track graduate and Program Consultant at Give a Beat, shared her personal journey of redemption. She highlighted the significant challenges she faced, such as housing insecurity due to exorbitant rent prices in California. Despite these obstacles, Geri persevered and spent a year and a half in transitional housing, determined to rebuild her life. Her story is a testament to resilience and the power of fair chances.

Employed in a Christ-centered Ministry, Geri found her calling in advocating for the rights of the formerly incarcerated. Her passion for social work shone through as she emphasized the need for a level playing field for all individuals seeking reintegration into society. "A Fair Chance should not be limited to a few; it should be the norm for all," Geri passionately expressed.

She acknowledged the existing challenges but also recognized the transformative impact of organizations like Give a Beat in providing opportunities for individuals seeking to turn their lives around. Through her work at Give a Beat, Geri found not only a platform for advocacy but also a community that believed in her potential for growth and success.

Anthony, another Program Consultant and On a New Track graduate at Give a Beat, echoed Geri's sentiments about the transformative power of Fair Chances. Through his involvement with Give a Beat, Anthony found himself in a position where he could harness his skills and passion for positive change. "At Give a Beat, you have given us a wonderful opportunity for fair chances," Anthony remarked, highlighting the organization's commitment to empowering individuals through education and mentorship.

Both Geri and Anthony emphasized the need for erasing barriers post-parole to enable individuals to fully embrace their second chance. They articulated that true rehabilitation goes beyond serving time; it requires a supportive environment that nurtures personal growth and development. "Once we finish parole, all barriers should be erased," Geri asserted, advocating for a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals seeking redemption.

The Fair Chance campaign at Give a Beat embodies the spirit of empowerment and equal opportunities. By providing individuals like Geri and Anthony with the support they need to thrive post-parole, the campaign paves the way for a brighter future filled with opportunities and possibilities. Through their stories, we are reminded that every individual deserves a fair chance at redemption and success.

As we strive towards a more inclusive society, let us remember that everyone has the potential to rewrite their story and contribute meaningfully to their communities. 

Rev. Dr. Dortheá Enriqúe

Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique is the Communications Coordinator at Give a Beat, with a mission to promote healing and transformation through music. With a background as a spiritual musician and holistic therapist, she believes in the power of music to bring people together and facilitate healing. Through her role at Give a Beat, Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique shares impactful stories from program participants and advocates for forgiveness and second chances. Her work at Give a Beat is a reflection of her commitment to using music as a tool for positive change and promoting the organization’s mission of transformation through music.


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