Solace Through Sound: DJ D2Lit Finds His Peace in Rhythm

In the realm of music, there lies a profound power that transcends boundaries and unites communities. It has long been recognized that using music as a form of therapy can have a positive impact on individuals, helping to alleviate anxiety, depression, and enhance self-esteem. Recognizing this potential for healing, since 2019 Give a Beat has pioneered our Prison Electronic Music Program, a groundbreaking initiative that provides incarcerated individuals with a positive emotional outlet through music and creative expression. Meet DJ D2Lit, one of the graduates in our Prison Electronic Music Program.

Finding Freedom with Music

Growing up in the Bay Area, where music played a significant role in his family, DJ D2Lit's original passion for music was nurtured from a young age. Influenced by his father, who was a DJ in their basement during family gatherings, D2Lit developed a deep appreciation for the art form. His father even owned his own turntables, which further solidified his connection and passed down the tradition of DJing music. This shared passion for music became a cherished tradition within their family, passed down from generation to generation.

Currently, DJ D2Lit is balancing two jobs in the Bay Area as a party promoter and bartender to fund his dream career of becoming a DJ. However, while incarcerated, his personal journey took a remarkable turn when he decided to write a heartfelt letter to Give a Beat, expressing his desire to participate in the Prison Electronic Music Program. Despite being aware of the limited space and challenges that awaited him, DJ D2Lit’s determination to pursue the program never wavered until entry and then his final day of graduation.

Within 2 weeks of release from the confines of correctional facilities, DJ D2Lit’s story still stands as an inspiring testament to the healing power of music through our Prison Electronic Music Program. He reflected poignantly upon his experience: “Music was a great way to relive moments outside of prison. It provided comfort during difficult times. Making music brought me comfort and hope.” 

DJ D2Lit found solace in what he identified as an unique program, which allowed him to explore his deep love and passion for music while providing him with invaluable life skills. He describes how this class became his therapeutic haven: “Music is therapy. When I was feeling down, certain songs had the power to uplift me. They helped me relive moments of loss and reminded me that I can overcome trials and tribulations. Like when I lost my brother, I remembered him and played his favorite song.

Throughout his journey within the program, DJ D2Lit was given access to practical knowledge in transferable and technical aspects like music production and DJing. The program provided DJ D2Lit with the opportunity to develop his skills in EQing and mixing songs, mastering the art of blending on beat during a DJ mix, and gaining proficiency in understanding song structure through the use of software instruments. But it was far more than just acquiring the skill of music; it was about cultivating essential life skills needed for reintegration into society once released.

“Discovering the art of mixing and fading effects in DJing, and understanding its ability to influence the atmosphere and vibe of a room, filled me with gratitude for being part of the program. It was truly gratifying to learn how to effectively blend my happy and optimistic style into music, creating a smooth and harmonious mix.”

- DJ D2Lit

Mixing for Change and Community

With each passing session at the correctional facility, DJ D2Lit felt more alive and inspired through his own creative expression facilitated by Give a Beat’s dedicated curriculum designed to meet individual needs and interests around music. Delving into topics such as music history and digital music production allowed DJ D2Lit to realize his true potential. 

“Feeling the freedom of choosing certain songs was healing. Also, being referred to as my DJ Moniker instead of inmate number is significant when you’re in prison. The Teaching Artists and Instructors treated us like human beings, and I was grateful for them. Most people don’t treat us well; they treat us like cattle on a farm. I advocate for programs like Give a Beat because they improve attitudes and help us stay optimistic in times of pain and suffering.” 

- DJ D2Lit

The life-altering healing experienced by participants like DJ D2Lit manifests in tangible outcomes that go beyond personal growth. He believes this program doesn’t just serve as an emotional outlet; rather, it cultivates  violence prevention and builds community, and cultural awareness among participants. DJ D2Lit firmly believes “that music has the ability to bring people from diverse backgrounds together and spread love.” 

“We had teams of DJs who would help each other with mixing and setting up. It was a collaborative effort, often involving our instructors. Instead of dwelling on prison culture and negativity, we focused on boosting each other’s confidence in our craft. Our sounds and mixes improved as a result. We even created a poster with our class name and DJ monikers. Our program had the strongest sense of camaraderie in the entire prison. Instead of tearing each other down, we lifted each other up.”

- DJ D2Lit

Melodies of Healing and Release

Stress reduction is another critical benefit experienced by participants of the Prison Electronic Music Program. Music is the best studied art therapy, and helps to lower anxiety, depression, trauma, psychosis and stress. The program offers a way for incarcerated folks  to find solace and escape from their daily struggles through the creation of electronic music. The calming melodies serve as a remedy for troubled souls, allowing them to temporarily detach from their worries and find healing through sound. This program not only provides a creative outlet but also equips participants with valuable tools, like breathing exercises to navigate the challenges they face. The ability of music and breathwork to combat stress is truly transformative and has the potential to improve lives and create a brighter future.

“The breathing exercises also helped create a positive mood. It was significant because they allowed us to free ourselves through our breath.” - DJ D2Lit

The story of DJ D2Lit encapsulates the heart of Give a Beat’s extraordinary initiative—our Prison Electronic Music Program—offering incarcerated individuals an unprecedented opportunity for personal development through musical expression.

The program operates across several weeks at different correctional facilities. Participants who engage in the classes are equipped with tangible skills from  technical knowledge steeped in high tech equipment  as well as business acumen related to music production and composition.

“The program gave me something exciting to anticipate. Instead of having lots of free time or being in my dorm, the program provided a sense of community and happiness. Even though ‘each session was 4 hours,’ it still wasn’t enough for me.”

- DJ D2Lit

Studies also show that music helps with learning and attention. Through various forms of artistic expression–singing, rapping, beat construction–individuals are able to tap into their inner selves and embark on a journey towards emotional and mental well-being. DJ D2Lit isn’t alone in discovering the profound effect of creative expression and education, as  numerous testimonials from participants illustrate. 

Unlocking Hope with the Power of Music 

Our Prison Electronic Music Program stands tall as an exceptional testament to the potential locked within every individual—one that can be unlocked through creativity, mentorship, community building, and empowerment. 

Undoubtedly, Give a Beat’s pioneering efforts have paved the way for positive change within correctional facilities across California. They provide incarcerated individuals with tools for emotional release through musical expression, while also imparting valuable life skills. This sets them on a path toward successful reintegration into society upon release.

“I personally would like to advocate for increasing music programming in prisons. I believe it is important for the government to support these programs as they can help with employment opportunities and reduce recidivism rates. Music programs in prisons have been shown to boost self-esteem and build confidence. I encourage anyone to invest in and support Give a Beat. People like me who have graduated from the Prison Electronic Music Program, we have gigs lined up and just need resources to make them happen.”

- DJ D2Lit

We believe that DJ D2Lit’s journey serves as an inspiration—a shining example that every individual deserves opportunities for transformation regardless of past circumstances or current environment. 

Rev. Dr. Dortheá Enriqúe

Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique is the Communications Coordinator at Give a Beat, with a mission to promote healing and transformation through music. With a background as a spiritual musician and holistic therapist, she believes in the power of music to bring people together and facilitate healing. Through her role at Give a Beat, Rev. Dr. Dorthea Enrique shares impactful stories from program participants and advocates for forgiveness and second chances. Her work at Give a Beat is a reflection of her commitment to using music as a tool for positive change and promoting the organization’s mission of transformation through music.

Turning Up the Tempo for Justice & Healing


On a New Track: Healing and Reintegration Through Harmonic Connections